Intranet for Remote Working

Whether your organisation is working completly remotely or you’ve moved to a hybrid model, your intranet is a key organisational asset to maintain human connection and maximise productivity.

Your Intranet – the hub for business continuity

Your intranet should be the central digital hub where people can access Office 365 apps, collaborate with colleagues, find templates and information and stay across what’s going on in the organisation.

Inform and Inspire

If ever there was a time for clear, timely information sharing it’s now. Updated regulations and changes to policy need to be communicated to the appropriate recipients. Your intranet should have the ability to target communication according to location, department or seniority and ensure information gets to the right people without overwhelming them.

Senior staff can use the intranet to communicate directly to provide leadership and ensure business direction, mission and values remain top of mind.

Productivity, Accountability and Visibility

One of the main reasons we all don’t skip the commute and work in our pyjamas is that many managers don’t feel confident about monitoring and maintaining their team’s productivity. Issues accessing documents and systems from home can cause delays and without the appropriate platform in place, it can be challenging to stay across progress and ensure everyone is contributing appropriately. An intranet can provide a centralised hub with project management tools to track who is doing what and when and provide transparency by sharing individual goals and timings.

The Injio Digital Workplace also allows remote workers to be recognised for their efforts to promote visibility within the organisation, which can be compromised when they aren’t getting high fives in the coffee queue.

Just because people aren’t in the office doesn’t mean training needs to take a back seat. Training videos and interactive online sessions are a great way to keep everyone learning and developing new skills, for example how to use Teams and remote working best practice!

Workers can personalise their experience by utilising magic links, a feature unique to Injio. This enables them to select links that will always be easily accessible, no matter where they go. Say goodbye to having to waste time searching or cramming the page full of links!

With Artificial Intelligence technology becoming cheaper and more reliable, now might be the time to consider integrating an AI interface into your Digital Workplace. Injio’s Digital Assistant can find information, complete forms more efficiently, book resources and make life easier in general.

Ready for the next step?

Co-authoring and collaboration

An effective Digital Workplace enables the collaboration and co-authoring that is essential in today’s business environment, without emailing around confusing document versions. Team members can share resources and documents and maintain project timelines any time, from anywhere.

The intranet should provide a “single source of truth” and powerful search capabilities can assist people to find what they want, when they need it.

Need someone who knows about event management or speaks Mandarin? Your intranet should allow you to search for people based on their skills and experience when you can’t wander the floor asking around.

Social Connection

Remote working studies consistently highlight isolation as a significant issue, and a lack of connection with a business is also linked to lower levels of reliability and retention.

That corporate culture you have worked so hard to build can unravel if a strong conscious effort is not made to translate it into digital form. Your intranet can help with:

  • Funny videos from senior leaders sharing their work from home challenges
  • Photo walls with interactive liking/commenting
  • Remote coffee dates
  • Skype yoga classes
  • Vote for the best/worst lunch of the week


One of the greatest challenges for IT departments facilitating remote work, especially in industries handling sensitive information, is maintaining data security.

Staff need to access the same resources as they would have within the walls of the office, or productivity will nosedive. Your intranet should function seamlessly on mobile devices with access to apps and tools via single sign on without compromising security. When accessing and sharing documents becomes difficult for remote workers, the risk of shadow IT rises.

Intranets based on SharePoint leverage Microsoft’s security expertise to provide seamless access and keep your data where it should be.

Injio Delivers All This and More

The Injio Digital Workplace creates an online environment for your teams to feel connected and stay productive. A fully loaded intranet in a box that can be deployed quickly, reflecting your branding and required functionality to keep your organisation on track now and in the future.

  • Launch in 6 weeks
  • Completely responsive for mobile
  • Powerful search – people & resources
  • Targeted announcements and flexible corporate communications
  • Social engagement and peer recognition
  • Secure – all on your environment
  • AI bot interface


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