Intranet Engagement

Building a beautiful, functional intranet is only half the battle. If people don’t use your intranet to find information and resources, collaborate and engage with each other, the platform will not achieve your vision. Driving intranet adoption and ROI requires ongoing investment and priority – and a bit of creativity.



Digital Workplace Success

To ensure adoption of your intranet, it has to solve real problems and provide better solutions than alternative technologies or channels.

At WebVine, we believe a modern intranet platform should foster productivity, nurture culture, and enhance communication.

a) Productivity: The intranet should provide easy access to resources, tools, and information to streamline workflows and facilitate collaboration.

b) Culture: Through features like employee recognition programs and internal forums, it cultivates a sense of belonging and engagement with the company’s values.

c) Communication: A well-designed intranet offers various communication channels, including chat and video, ensuring seamless information flow and enabling feedback.

By supporting productivity, culture-building, and communication, the intranet becomes a vital tool for organisational success and employee satisfaction.

“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.”

Simon Sinek


Having a digital hub that is not only functional but also user-friendly is essential for driving intranet engagement and positive employee experience.

  • Mobile Accessibility: Make sure your intranet is accessible and easy to use from mobile devices, allowing employees to stay connected and productive on the go.
  • Good morning! Consider setting the intranet as the first screen users see upon logging in, promoting its importance and encouraging regular usage.
  • Content Surfacing: Explore options to surface intranet content through other channels such as Teams or email newsletters, increasing visibility and engagement among employees.
  • Single Sign On: If using SharePoint, leverage its advantage of being accessible via existing Microsoft sign-in credentials, simplifying the user experience and promoting adoption.
  • Accessibility Compliance: Ensure that your intranet is accessible to all users, including those with impaired vision or other accessibility needs, by implementing appropriate design elements and features.


Winning the war for talent takes more than decent pay and a ping pong table; people need to believe in their organisation’s mission and feel connected to its success. Your employee intranet is the obvious platform to create and reinforce this connection, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose as well as supporting collaboration and productivity.

  1. Updates and Alerts: Keep everyone informed with timely notifications via push, pop-up, or ticker feeds, promoting engagement without overwhelming users. Offer opt-out options to manage notifications effectively.
  2. Recognition: Combat feelings of invisibility with intranet-based recognition like badges and shout outs. Encourage peer-to-peer recognition to foster a culture of appreciation and engagement.
  3. Social Features: Foster community and knowledge sharing with social features like liking, commenting, and tagging. Implement forums or Q&A sections to facilitate collaboration and transparency, enhancing relationships.
  4. Personalised Experience: Tailor content to users based on role or location for relevance and adoption. Allow customization of dashboards and notifications for a user-centric experience that drives engagement.
  5. Promote Awareness and Usage: Spread the word through newsletters, emails, and social media. Designate intranet champions and provide video tours to guide users and reinforce its importance.
  6. Training and Development Resources: Offer e-learning modules and knowledge repositories to support employee growth. Invest in professional development to demonstrate commitment and encourage engagement.
  7. Community-driven Content: Empower employees to contribute content, enriching the intranet ecosystem. Keep content fresh to encourage regular usage and showcase expertise within the community.
  8. Integration with Business Tools: Seamlessly connect the intranet with business tools like Teams and Outlook calendar. Streamline workflows and provide a central hub for information, enhancing efficiency and engagement.
  9. Mobile Accessibility: Ensure the intranet is optimized for mobile devices for on-the-go access. Provide essential information for outdoor or on-site workers to maintain connectivity and inclusivity.
  10. Onboarding: Use the intranet for effective onboarding, providing multimedia content and interactive elements. Introduce new hires to the intranet as a hub for information and social connection from day one.