Why a SharePoint intranet should be on your radar in 2024

Jan 29, 2024

In the ever-evolving business landscape, staying competitive requires adopting cutting-edge tools that enhance productivity, collaboration and efficiency.

One tool that stands out for its transformative capabilities is Microsoft 365 SharePoint. There is a myriad of reasons why businesses should leverage SharePoint to build a customised intranet, redefining the way they manage documents, foster collaboration, and nurture a thriving company culture in 2024.

1. Centralised Document Management: Taming the Chaos

Small businesses often struggle with document sprawl, disorganised filing, and version control issues. SharePoint provides a centralised repository for document management, enabling businesses to organise files, track versions, and maintain a clear audit trail. With SharePoint, small businesses can bid farewell to the confusion of lost files and welcome a structured approach to document storage that supports growth.

2. Enhanced Collaboration: Breaking Down Silos

Collaboration lies at the heart of every successful business. SharePoint’s collaborative features empower teams to work seamlessly, breaking down silos and fostering real-time collaboration. Through shared calendars, task lists, and document co-authoring capabilities, small businesses can boost teamwork and enhance productivity, no matter where their employees are located.

3. Fully Customisable: Tailored to Fit Your Business Needs

Microsoft SharePoint enables small businesses to create a fully customisable intranet that aligns with their unique requirements. Businesses can design a user-friendly interface, choose relevant features, and tailor the intranet to reflect their brand identity. This not only enhances the overall user experience but also ensures that the intranet becomes an integral part of daily operations.

4. Improved Communication: Connecting a Dispersed Workforce

In today’s digital age, many small businesses operate with remote or dispersed teams. SharePoint’s communication features, such as newsfeeds, announcements, and discussion boards, bridge the gap between dispersed employees, creating a virtual space where ideas can flow freely. This fosters a sense of community and ensures that everyone, regardless of their location, stays informed and engaged.


5. Document Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Information

Security is a major concern for small businesses, especially when dealing with sensitive information. SharePoint offers robust security features, including user authentication, access controls, and encryption, ensuring that confidential data remains protected. Small businesses can define access levels, track document history, and implement security measures that align with their needs, as well as reassuring clients.

6. Integration with Microsoft 365 Suite: Seamless Workflow

One of SharePoint’s greatest strengths lies in its seamless integration with the Microsoft 365 suite of applications. Small businesses leveraging SharePoint can enjoy a cohesive workflow where documents created in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint seamlessly integrate with their intranet and can be shared and edited via Teams. This integration streamlines processes, reduces downtime, and enhances overall efficiency.

7. Automated Workflows: Effortless Task Management

Manual processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors. SharePoint’s automated workflows and Power Platform integrations allow small businesses to streamline repetitive tasks, reducing the risk of human error and saving valuable time. From document approval processes to task assignments, automation ensures that routine operations are executed seamlessly, freeing up resources for more strategic endeavours.

SharePoint intranet 2024

8. Analytics and Reporting: Data-Driven Decisions

Informed decision-making is crucial for small businesses striving for growth. Integration with Power BI can provide employees with easily digestible visual updates on market share, stock levels, sales volumes or regional performance. SharePoint also provides analytics and reporting tools that offer insights into user engagement, document usage, and collaboration patterns. By harnessing this data, small businesses can make informed decisions and align their strategies with evolving needs.

9. Employee Engagement and Company Culture: Building a Positive Work Environment

A strong company culture is a key driver of employee satisfaction and productivity and unless actively supported, can suffer as a result of hybrid working or remote hiring. A SharePoint intranet is a digital hub where employees can connect, share achievements, and celebrate milestones. Features like employee recognition programs, virtual town halls, and social collaboration tools contribute to building a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement and loyalty.

10. Scalability: Growing with Your Business

As small businesses evolve and grow, their needs change. Microsoft SharePoint is scalable, allowing businesses to expand their intranet functionality as needed. Whether it’s adding more storage, integrating new features, or accommodating a larger user base, SharePoint grows with your business, ensuring that your intranet remains a valuable asset in the long run.

In conclusion, a Microsoft 365 SharePoint intranet offers small businesses a powerful tool to revolutionise document management, collaboration, and company culture.

By building a customised intranet, businesses can not only streamline their operations but also position themselves for success in the dynamic business landscape of 2024 and beyond. If you’re ready to embrace the future of small business productivity, Get in touch today!

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