Digital Transformation

Digital Workplace Success: Information Architecture

Digital Workplace Success: Information Architecture

Information architecture (IA): it sounds hard and complicated and not like the fun job of designing a digital workplace was supposed to be for the Communications team. Never fear, it can be ...
Digital Workplace Success: The Right Team

Digital Workplace Success: The Right Team

Would you ask a plumber to fix your watch? How about a voice coach to teach your kids soccer? It’s amazing how often organisations expect existing team members to run a Digital Workplace project ...
Digital Workplace Success: Executive Support

Digital Workplace Success: Executive Support

It's not from lack of effort that I see Digital Workplace projects failing. It's not from lack of trying, or not enough people being involved, or not enough money. It's just that some ...
A Digital Workplace on Office 365

A Digital Workplace on Office 365

Not so long ago, the idea of moving everything to the cloud was met with great skepticism. CIOs liked their data where they could see it – on their servers. But times have changed quickly, and ...

Notes from the Digital Workplace Conference – Melbourne 2018

Once again, ShareThePoint put on a brilliant Digital Workplace Conference full of ideas, discussion, industry developments, how-tos and secret expert hacks. And LOTS of carb-laden snacks and ...
What is a Digital Workplace and why do you need one?

What is a Digital Workplace and why do you need one?

The term ‘Digital Workplace’ was first coined by Paul Millar, CEO of Digital Workplace Group (DWG) in 2009 as “… the collection of all of the digital tools provided by an organisation to allow ...
The Digital Workplace Rally

The Digital Workplace Rally

Is your intranet off to a flying start? Do you have the nerve? Will you cross the finish line or get bogged down in the weeds? This entry was posted in Digital Transformation. Bookmark ...
Digital economy threatens dinosaurs with extinction

Digital economy threatens dinosaurs with extinction

Once again, September quarter figures indicate minimal wages growth with many Australian pay packets only just keeping pace with inflation. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, ...
No-fail planning SharePoint & M365 implementation

No-fail planning SharePoint & M365 implementation

Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe.” It turns out this quote originated many years after the death ...
Managing stakeholders for a successful intranet launch

Managing stakeholders for a successful intranet launch

If you have recently survived an intranet planning meeting, you can appreciate the difficulties faced by our international peacekeepers, trying to achieve harmony when each party sees different ...
Build it yourself or get a SharePoint Intranet in a box

Build it yourself or get a SharePoint Intranet in a box

Leave it to IT or get a ready to go SharePoint Intranet? Perhaps you are considering a new Intranet, and wondering if you should check out an "intranet in a box" solution, or have your ...
Building communities: Digital Workplaces at Not for Profits

Building communities: Digital Workplaces at Not for Profits

There are around 600,000 not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) in Australia, employing over a million people and involving 4.6 million volunteers[1]. Like the corporate world, not for profit ...