Claire Walker

Executive Excellence: Why Your C-Suite Needs an Intranet

Executive Excellence: Why Your C-Suite Needs an Intranet

Look past the Rolex and reserved parking… C-suite executives have it tough. If you are trying to convince one or more of them to approve a new intranet platform, you had better take an interest ...
HR is From Venus, IT is from Mars

HR is From Venus, IT is from Mars

“Ugh. IT want more information before they’ll approve the new platform. We need it straight away!” “Bah! Who do they expect to fix this when it breaks? HR have no idea.” With more business ...
Strengthening Security: The Weakest Link

Strengthening Security: The Weakest Link

88% of data breaches are caused by human error                                                                                                                                                   ...
Why a SharePoint intranet should be on your radar in 2024

Why a SharePoint intranet should be on your radar in 2024

In the ever-evolving business landscape, staying competitive requires adopting cutting-edge tools that enhance productivity, collaboration and efficiency. One tool that stands out for its ...
SharePoint Intranets: Back in Vogue

SharePoint Intranets: Back in Vogue

We have all watched with mounting terror as things we never thought we‘d see again (mullets, bucket hats, bum bags, chunky headbands…) are welcomed back by the fashion set. What else is making a ...
ChatGPT: the new way to create intranet content?

ChatGPT: the new way to create intranet content?

AI Chat or ChatGPT is the hottest thing to hit the world wide web since it was released on November 30, 2022. Enter a sentence or a question and content will be magically produced. Give it a ...
Will Microsoft Viva Replace the SharePoint Intranet?

Will Microsoft Viva Replace the SharePoint Intranet?

IT leaders are under pressure to streamline resources and deliver services to the business with minimum cost and complexity. Leveraging Microsoft Viva to deliver all those great things we need ...
The Plain Language Mandate: Communicating for Clarity

The Plain Language Mandate: Communicating for Clarity

For those who communicate for a living, creating a gloriously complex sentence full of large words can be immensely satisfying. But is your audience impressed or just confused? This week, the ...
Don’t Delay Your New Intranet Because Of Change

Don’t Delay Your New Intranet Because Of Change

Intranet projects are often either delayed or derailed by impending changes be they structural, environmental or personnel. As a vendor this can be frustrating, but I believe the greater loss is ...
SharePoint Intranet Examples 2023

SharePoint Intranet Examples 2023

Intranet design impacts usability, trust and adoption, and can be the difference between a lively digital hub and a lonely, unloved platform. It’s a difficult job to balance form and function, ...
Internal Communications Intranet Hacks: Outsource Your Intranet Content

Internal Communications Intranet Hacks: Outsource Your Intranet Content

Among the hundreds of things internal communications and HR managers have to get done each day, producing content for the staff intranet can get pushed to the bottom of the pile. Although the ...
10 Reasons No One is Using Your Intranet

10 Reasons No One is Using Your Intranet

“Only 13% of employees report participating in their intranet daily — 31% said they never do.” When you are responsible for the success of your organisation’s intranet, it is incredibly ...